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How do I choose a suitable chip breaker?

Grooving and side turning

Major cutting edge for grooving + minor cutting edges for side turning


Straight cutting edge
(for a flat ground)


Parting off

The deep and spacious chip breaker gives excellent chip control.


What is a benefitial tool extension?

A benefitial tool extension defines the tool overhang. ​

Make sure that:​

  • the tool extension is as short as possible​

  • the assembly is compact

  • the clamping is stable

This enables optimal power transmission in the machining process

Which cutting parameters are important for grooving?

Cutting speed Vc in mm/min


Resulting force: Cutting force Fc


Feed f in mm/revolution


Distance travelled during one revolution.
Resulting force: Feed force Fv


Cutting depth (Chip depth) ap in mm

ap = ... mm

Cutting depth during side turning operations.

The 2 (3) - Feed in phases for deep cuts

1 - phase of feed

  • Vibrations
  • High noise level
  • Bad surface

2-3 phases of feed

  • Less vibrations
  • Stable process
  • 3 phases for large Ø

Starting area
Start with a small value and gradually increase until you reach the ideal technical value.

f = 0,02 - 0,05

Start carefully! Otherwise the cutting edge may be damaged on the first cut.

Stable cutting conditions
Ideal chips can be machined with numerous geometries if correctly selected.

f = 0,08 - 0,2

Excellent chips, good tool life!

Runout area
Reduce feed before you reach the center (~ Ø 5 mm) to 0.02.

f = 0,05 - 0,02

Proceed carefully. Bad chip removal. No efficient cooling. Speed runs to zero.

Are you looking for more technical informations?

The technical section in our catalogue provides you with further useful tips on the subject of Grooving:

  • List of geometries for grooving, side turning and parting off
  • Grooving and turning process
  • Cutting parameters
  • Wear detection
  • and much more